Mt. Wesley UMC
Worship Service
Every Sunday – 10:00 AM
4622 Scrabble Road
Shepherdstown WV
Pastor Forrest Cummings

I greet you as the Pastor of Mount Wesley UMC (The light on the Hill). I invite you to worship with us during the Advent Season. The Church is beautifully decorated for the season (by loving hands of the congregation) The themes for this time leading up to Christmas are : Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. Come and join us for our Christmas Program on the 17th. at 10 AM. The Christmas story contains many themes, including “Do Not be Afraid” He speaks to us “Fear Not” as he did to Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds. We find the wonderful meaning of Christmas in John 3:16. For he still leads us on our journey as he is proclaimed as the light of the world , for he is the way, the truth, and the life. Come and be with us as we renew the coming of the Babe of Bethlehem, the Christ Child as the most precious gift that any of us can receive. I want to be your pastor, so come and give me that opportunity. God’s Blessing during this season and at all time, Pastor Forrest